Boss. All-rounder. Luthier, repair service, sales, customer service, customer acquisition, accounting.
Bastian Ortner
Graduate Engineer information and communication technology. Right hand man of the boss. What would the workshop be without him. He is expert when it comes to wiring problems in the repair shop and mainly responsible for the state-of-the-art product line.
Sander Hesse
Sander successfully completed his apprenticeship in summer 2020. Sander already had a few years of experience in guitar making and went straight into the second year of his apprenticeship. We supported him so that he could obtain an official qualification. Now he is officially a luthier. Congratulations Sander. His speciality is shellac hand polishing.
Ute Schulze Dieckhoff
Does everything except building guitars. Product images, brochures, advertising, telephone service, social media.