I played the new guitar today for the first time and I am very pleased in every way. Thank you again for your good work. I will be happy to recommend your workshop to anyone, anytime.

After a few months with my Primera Custom I would not want to miss it anymore! Thanks again for the great instrument!

Your Double Fun guitar is absolutely brilliant!

The first concert with my (thank you!!!) new N°1 was a great success! A musician colleague, who knows me for a long time, put it this way: The best Burger ever. Of course he also meant the guitar. More possibilities in dynamics, the sound slightly cross, powerful, loud and also quietly stable with plenty of ...continue reading "Classic Crossover"

This was a trip that will give me an infinite number of moving moments! Hour by hour I will grow together with IQ and become familiar with it. It is going to be good! Thanks for this masterpiece of craftsmanship!

I still have great fun with the instrument and play it almost every day. I have not regretted buying it for a second.

... the bass keeps on inspiring. Wednesday at rehearsal a player who didn't know it yet kept looking at me in amazement. Afterwards I found out that she was totally enthusiastic about this great new sound in the orchestra (and as I said, we always had a double bass guitar, but nothing like this one). ...continue reading "Bass Guitar"

... thank you very much for the repair of my guitar and the included humidifier. I have just played the guitar very extensively with great pleasure and have the impression that it sounds fuller and more balanced than before your repair. I am also very happy that the soundboard is almost unaffected. I think it's ...continue reading "Ambition Parlour"